Noisy Cricket
Assembly photos
All components neatly packaged
Spread out in order of soldering
Component side of the pcb is where the fri3d logo is
- 33 Ohm (blue body and orange, colored bands) resistor on top
- 120 Ohm (beige body and brown, red, brown colored bands) risistor on bottom
2 resistors soldered
NPN transistor 2N3904 with flat side to the left (back of noisy cricket)
Electrolytic capacitor (33 microFarad)
Mind the polarity: long leg is positive, short leg is negative, white marking on the body is negative
There are 2 holes for positive and 2 holes for negative, choose best fitting ones. -
Pin header soldered on the bottom
2 orientations are possible:- on the bottom: this results in an upright position when mounted on the fri3d2024 badge
- at the back: this results in a front facing position when mounted on the fri3d2024 badge
Ready to solder the LED
Mind the polarity: long leg is positive, short leg is negative, flat side on the body is negative -
LED soldered
Mind the polarity: positive (long leg) on the bottom, negative on top (short leg, flat side on the body) -
Overview pictures of soldered Noisy Cricket
Noisy Cricket mounted on the fri3d2024 badge Mounted with the pin header soldered on the bottom
Mounted with the pin header soldered on the back