Arduino IDE setup using espressif's official esp32 board package
In case you do not want to use the custom fri3d boards manager package in the arduino IDE, you should follow the below steps instead to install the official esp32 board package.
Add ESP32-S3 board to your Arduino IDE
- Open Tools>Board>Board Manager
- Search for the
boards from Espressif Systems and install the version 2.0.14 (remark that the display driver crashes in 2.0.15+ and 3.x.x). - If you do not find the esp32 boards package there, then follow these steps first:
- In your Arduino IDE, open File>Preferences
- Enter
into the “Additional Board Manager URLs” field
Uploading firmware using Arduino IDE
- Under Tools>Board>... select ..>ESP32 Arduino>ESP32S3 Dev Module
- Under Tools>USB CDC On Boot>... select
to enable the serial port - Under Tools>Flash Size>... select
16 MB
- Under Tools>PSRAM>... select
- follow the rest of the uploading steps from the Arduino Guide